River Island Ranch

River Island Ranch

River Island Ranch

River Island Ranch

River Island Ranch is located on the Caloosahatchee River in Alva, FL. Situated under hundred year old oaks, time stands still and the beauty of old Florida florishes. We raise Kiko meat goats, watusi, mini hereford cattle, exotic palm trees, and multiple varietals of bananas as the river meanders by.




Known at the 'Cattle of the Kings', this majestic breed is known for their massive horns and extreme heat tolerance. All of our watusi are 100% foundation-pure and have DNA on file with Zoetis to guarantee their purity.

Kiko Goats

Kiko Goats

Kiko Goats

Many goat breeds find it difficult to thrive in the wet climate of Southwest Florida without a lot of help from their owners. Kiko goats have been bred to be parasite resistant and to forage for their food. Kiko goats were originally bred in New Zealand and later brought to America. They have become an excellent meat goat as they put on weight quickly, have great maternal instincts, have a high kid survival rate, and require minimal maintenance.

Mini Herefords

Mini Herefords

Miniature Herefords

Known for their docile and sweet temperament, miniature herefords make great pets due to their small frame, hardy nature and adaptability to all environments.
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